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Blackbird House Publishing

Coming Soon!​


Once Publishing options are available, this information will be updated. 

Author: A.D. Sams


Her most recent collection of short stories, Bayou L'Abeille, was released in November of 2012. It's currently available in digital copy through Blackbird House. 

(Closed) Fey Publishing

* Bayou L'Abeille (2012) - Currently out of print, but available for direct purchase from Blackbird House.

* Happily Never After: An Anthology from Fey Publishing (2014)

* Idol Musings: Selected Writings from an Online Writing Competition (2009)

(Out of Print) Self-Published

* Errant Autumn (as A.D. Gaspard 2006)

​* Zhi: Stories and Poems for the Young at Heart (as A.D. Gaspard 2011)

About the Author


When I was young, I was surrounded by love bugs, my Maw-Maw’s rasping laughter that jiggled her belly, a field full of cows, and more Pentecostal hair than you could shake a stick at. My Paw-Paw lived closer to heaven than the rest of us due to his long, lean build. He was the pastor, a forthright and sincere bastion of Christianity. So, when he smiled his sideways smile and explained to me that only liars lived in Georgia, the salt-and-pepper twirl of hair at the top of his head somehow drove home the point. This fact was a down-right insult to me even at 6. I was far too young to understand the twinkle in his eye. Much to my protests, squalling, and outright ornery demeanor, my family moved to Georgia anyway.


I’m a long way from the swinging moss of a southeast Texas evening and the bayou nights that sink into your skin. And I know a thing or two about Georgia now, too.


When I considered how to capture the chaotic gale of creativity, lipstick and sarcasm that I am, I came up with this: I’m definitely a writer of southern fiction, probably a writer of dark, twisty things, and maybe a writer who hasn't quite decided where to hide the bodies. All of that is, of course, speculation. Or is it?


I live in Atlanta with my husband, my dog (Sherwood is a half-Newfoundland mutt who believes he’s part bunny and part balloon animal) and a very healthy Imagination, which I keep in an igloo in the trunk of my car.


Current Project

1. The Nest of Venom Cover only.jpg

Look for Book 1:

Nest of Venom

whenever I finish writing it!

© 2013 A.D. Stark and Blackbird House Studios, LLC

All content of this website is the property of Blackbird House Studios, LLC



be awesome.​​​

Est. 1977

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